The Last Great Gentleman: A Tribute to Doug Edwards
By Eric Sherman
January 1, 1994
Article from Scratching the Belly of the Beast catalogue, 1994
Doug Edwards, long-time Board member and driving force behind Filmforum and so many other of Los Angeles' film-oriented activities, died almost exactly a year ago; his friends and colleagues have, according to what they have said to me and my wife, been virtually unanimous in one perception--Doug doesn't seem to be gone.
This is not a platitude designed to soften the blow of death. Rather, it is an actually palpable sensation that Doug has somehow pervaded and permeated our lives and environment to such an extent and in such a way as to make his physical presence but one of the values we relish and admire and desire. His viewpoint and manner are as vivid for me right now as they would be if he were sitting in the chair next to me.
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