Rock & Roll Experiments

  • --- ------- (1966-67) by Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick
  • The Gypsy Cried (1973) by Chris Langdon
  • "Emperor" Bob Hudson, subject of The Emperor (1967) by George Lucas

    February 15, 2012, 8:00PM
    Cinefamily, 611 N Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, 90036

    Rock ‘n roll and experimental film were on parallel groundbreaking paths from the late ‘60s to the early ‘70s, fueled by all of the ecstasy and anger of a vibrant and explosive California counterculture never to be replicated. The instances at which these aural and visual courses intersected is the departure point for tonight’s program, which we hope proves once and for all that in that era, cinema’s influence on music (and vice-versa) was on par with the holy pairing of sex and drugs. This show’s line-up — a reverent glimpse at the early stages of the symbiotic melding of two mediums — places loopy Zappa fare alongside Christina Hornisher’s structuralist speculations, and George Lucas’ prescient early work beside Chris Langdon’s pared-down homage to ‘60s singer-songwriter Lou Christie. Come witness the synesthetically powerful results of a compact cultural Big Bang.

    Cinefamily web page:



    Tickets: General $10, Students/seniors $6; free for Filmforum members

    Advance ticket purchase available through Brown Paper Tickets.

    Films to be Screened

    • --- ------- (1966-67) by Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick --- ------- (1966-67) by Thom Andersen & Malcolm Brodwick

      --- ------- (1967, 16mm, color, sound, 12min.)
      Directed by Malcolm Brodwick and Thom Andersen

    • Coming Down (1968, 16mm, color, sound, 4min.)
      Directed by Pat O'Neill

      (new print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive)
    • Kinky (1966, 16mm, color, sound, 3min.)
      Directed by Jim Joannides and Maurice Bar David

    • 4x8=16 (1966, 16mm, color, sound, 3min.)
      Directed by Christina Hornisher

    • "Emperor" Bob Hudson, subject of The Emperor (1967) by George Lucas "Emperor" Bob Hudson, subject of The Emperor (1967) by George Lucas

      The Emperor (1967, 16mm, b/w, sound, 24min.)
      Directed by George Lucas

    • The Gypsy Cried (1973) by Chris Langdon The Gypsy Cried (1973) by Chris Langdon

      The Gypsy Cried (1973, 16mm, b/w, sound, 3min.)
      Directed by Chris Langdon

      (preservation print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive)
    • Two Faces Have I (1973) by Chris Langdon Two Faces Have I (1973) by Chris Langdon

      Two Faces Have I (1973, 16mm, b/w, sound, 3min.)
      Directed by Chris Langdon

      (preservation print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive)
    • Burnt Weeny Sandwich (1969, digital (orig. 16mm), color, sound, 18min.)
      Directed by Frank Zappa

    • The Last of the Persimmons (1972, 16mm, color, sound, 6min.)
      Directed by Pat O'Neill

    • A Dance Film Inspired by the Music of Jim Morrison (1968, 2m, color, sound)
      Directed by Toni Basil

      Music: Jimi Hendrix; Camera:  Peter Hasenstein

      Dancers: Johnny Almarez, Debby Cohen Katz/Anderson, Toni Basil, Tom Cahill, Jimmy Hibbard, Carol La Brie, Alvinia, Mystery

      Perhaps the first film to combine classical dance with dancing of “the street.”

      "dancers in white face groove out in photomontage on a black backdrop to the music of Jimi Hendrix…” – from "Paper Monument: A Journal of Contemporary Art," review by Naomi Fry of the exhibition "Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle" at NYU