New Film Things: An Evening of Student Films
5/21/1965 - 5/22/1965
Time: 20:00:00
Page Contents
The Fifth Semi-Annual Evening of Student Films
Produced by the UCLA Motion Picture Division
Presented by the Department of Theater Arts and the Committee on Fine Arts Productions
The preview, or first public showing of a film, has long been an important part of the film-making process. Films are made to be seen by an audience and sooner or later, film and audience should meet face to face. The films presented this evening have not been shown before; they have been seen only by the students and staff of the Motion Picture Division. Your response to the these films will let the film-makers know where they have succeeded and where they have failed. For a student of film-making, the first public showing of his film is perhaps the most sophisticated lesson of all.
The public showing of student films was first introduced at UCLA four years ago. Originally, one evening was scheduled once each year; later, one evening twice a year; and now, because of increasing audience interest and increasing production, it has become necessary to schedule two evenings twice a year. As a consequence of this growth, all of the films listed in the program could not be scheduled in any one evening. A representative two-hour cross-section will be presented each evening, but there will be some differences in the titles included. The films are listed in alphabetical order.