Woman: What In God's Name is Going On Inside You?
Cinema Theatre
1122 N. Western Ave. Los Angeles
Notes: Womancock (Carl Linder)
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Rare species closely related to the peacock. This film captures her ruthless and sinister capacities. It celebrates her complexity, her bizarre mating rites, her beauty and her dark compulsions. "After making this film I almost swore of the medium"- C.L. "Who was this woman, Joan, who actually heard voices which inspired her to lead an army of men? Silenetly unveiled before you, a vision of one of the most incredible human beings the world has known. A woman who lived at the holy extreme edge of her life. Dreyer's film is considered one of the 10 best films ever made. 'Maria Falconette as Joan makes Sean Connery as James Bond look like a hung up, undernourished eunuch.-John Lennon'
[Source: Movies 'Round Midnight Program Notes, 1967]