Twice A Man
Dir. Gregory Markopoulos,
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''Prix Lambert, Third International Experimental Film Competition, Knokke-Le Zoute, Belgium, 1964. 'Had we been to permitted to see 'Twice a Man' the Festival at Knokke would have justified itself'- Arts, Lettres, Spectacles, usique: Paris January 1964'One of the rare films which, beyond the 'magie prope' of the cinema, discover structures and elements of language equal to other languages of art.'- Rene Micha Les Temps Modernes'One was especially glad to see 'Twice A Man' among the prize winners... both the passion and stature of tragedy was carried out by Markopoulos in a technique so advanced and intricate in design it would require certainly more than one viewing before one could claim to really understand it. But one fact became immediately clear: here was nothing meretricious; conceived with fastidious care, this had the ring of truth to it, all right'- Elliot Stein, the London Financial Times'
[Source: Cinematheque 16 Program Notes]